Friday, December 3, 2010

Roswell Incident in New Mexico

The story is over 60 years ago.What transpired and was covertly conspired is the mystery we have.My questions are, at that paticular a crashed weather balloon would have consisted of just a few maybe 3 or 4 at most to go pickup the ballon after a review.The whole ranch was cordoned off and no one was allowed in to see a weather balloon or so it has been forced upon us , their take and news about it which has many questions for just a weather balloon.WHy did they take Mack Brazel in for three days of questioning over a mere weather balloon.What are we really stupid as to the old statement,'What are ya gonna belive ? yer lyin eyes or what I tell ya ?" So indeed the army story doesnt hold water for a weather balloon becasue if it was truely a balloon, there would be basically minimal security and others allowed a closer view and not held at bay from afar.Theres many things of common sense one could say about it to truely prove there was indeed a cover up over one weather balloon.But as secrets go, the best ones you are told if you dont believe, is their ability to lie and keep hid the very proof into which we can take and other countries can take it now too.The truth will overcome but it may take more time than we of now exist and future humans may know what happened.I think when they wants to know the aliens or entities from afar, will indeed show themselves worldwide and then they wont be able to lie of coverup anymore.Til that day, smarten up and seek truth even if you cant get to it at least you are seeking what is right and should be known and not just to a few individuals.Especially those who have major weapons of war.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ceti Alpha 5 - Security Risks


Liberals are the give away society as they cater to options that leave you without and in jeopardy.The are a ruin of a nation.How much longer will you allow it.Dont be liberal,be intent and act with common sense.

Look out Dems theres accountability at hand

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Havent had much time to post new

I havent had much time to post anything new but have alot thats in question through here.My time has been battling gout (no pain like it on earth)and issues of possibly having to move and a mortgage that should have been paid off by insurance due to mothers death and a fight thats lasted since January of 2009 and now whats the third mortgage company.All this while in a wheelchair from heart problems and Im not that old!The worlds ills and the question of its righteousness will be posted at a later date, theres always news of it so it wont be in short supply, pick a subject right?Well anyways a short explanation of the site and my ability to post or not as I am going through all the above mentioned as well as troubles I havent.All I can say is I live in a nation where Justice is supposed to be found and work for the common people and its citizens, thus far it is yet to be found and life liberty and happiness has been put in jeopardy because of no one has my back and those in charge I've asked has yet to produce.Enjoy what you can and I will try and repost as soon as possible.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Illegal alien fish

Asian carp is the latest ill that has hit the great lakes.As it wasnt bad enough with the mussel invasion, now its carp that kill off everything they touch.Id say its time for massive eradication through fishing, electroshocking and anything that will rid these waters from being taken over from an unnatural introduction.We suffer enough from our own mistakes and its just one more thing to take care of.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

North Korea

It actually would be in the best interests of N Korea to start a limited conventional war and it may happen due to these reasons. To show the South it was committed and keep it at bay in the future.To detour attention from killing off a major population (its own) as human sheilds or faking it killing them off saying SK and US was killing civilians as their guise for depopulation.To start and stop the war under a Im a great leader face.To put forth his miltary machine because he hasnt used it and basically because he is a madman.Im looking for him to do it unless China has said you start a war and we will go after you.The only real deterrent.Then again you never know, that torpedo may have been sent to Cheonan from a third party hoping war would ensue or by US SK blew up their own.Its Questionable for sure.

This blog

My outlet of anger is utilized in this blog, for I hate injustices that harm others and bring them to the floor through this forum since I cant get an appointment to ask them why they do the things they do.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a hole !

If you havent seen Guatamalas sinkhole you sure need to.Its an amazing site.While no one could predict such a thing from happening they are looking for what caused it.Id say building a town over a sinkhole would be one cause for losing it to the hole.I look for Guatamala to crack up and tear itself up from volcanoes, sinkholes ect.Bad time to be there or in the region.

You got to love ignorance

I told Obama topfill wouldnt work but still no response to several times trying to contact our goverment yet its accessability and response is SUPPOSED to be returned.The topfill was about the stupidest idea on the planet.Take one garden hose and turn valve on with water gushing out take a wheelbarrow filled with dirt and or mud then try and cover spouting end of water over with mud/dirt.What happens? its simple, yet this is what engineers of BP came up with.It would be laughable but I find it criminal in its implementing while allowing oil to gush forsth continually.The only thing top filled with mud is BPs heads.

Yeah right !

(President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please use the form below.) This was taken from the whitehouse .org site.Our goverment always makes claims but its deeds are very different and this is who we say to lead us?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

BP Solves Leak !

Well thats a big huff of a lie that we wont live down. I told BP I could offer help on just how to stop it and the Presidents office itself but no answer and no stoppage of leak so Im guessing here that they really arent interested in stopping it and its really simple and if implemented will stop the leak in its installment.You have to admit I did try and I couldnt understand why BP and the President just ignores any possible fix.Im understanding the oil companys and big money can do as they please and Obamas pledge of listening to every letter sent in and is touch with Americans is just another huge lie and we are still as invisible as we ever were.I have to stand idle with a fix for my country while dumbasses of an oil company fumble around in my watery backyard polluting and ignorant of repairing their own windfall, and my President ignores any offer of true help.I raised my hand and I dont count.Its ok when they go down I wont offer any help to them or sympathy.BP what a name, fits though I call the BP = Big Polluters.Just what we need eh?