We all know of Nikola Tesla our reason for electrical items we use today.He was by far so advanced the ignorant or fearful of the day thought it be black magic or witchcraft.Today we know different and have come out of the dark using many gadgets otherwise not possible for except this mans work an implementation of same.
We have heard many stories of claims of free enegy to run cars ect non penetrative protective missle sheilds over cities and wireless transfer of electrical power.I do know all these ideas are plausible as well as possible.The average people will most likely never see this mains achievements in those aforementioned ideas as the goverments snatched up many of the ideas to shelve for fear of someone building and utilizing great power for themselves threatening us from within or other nations getting these secrets.
Since controllable wealth of energies already emplaced by the oil cartels and utilities unions we are slavery to what is now almost what we cannot do without as society has adopted it as a normal way of life.We are being cheated and the worlds resources and health is paying the price.It seems the energy has a price tag and what energy we use to pay for it is in fact not free at all.Overtaxed I'd say in many forms.
The greed and fearful people on this earth are its destructors and common people kept at odds by these same people keep our money and life drained as well.They always use people against each other to keep anyone from massing and going after them.