Well, I finally had a moment to post something new here as my disability severly limits doing what I like. At any rate, the upcoming elections I have to ask America. Can you take anymore of Obamas lies just so he can ruin our nation more? He is not very intelligent on how to fix the problems at hand and while a great orarator, he lacks the skills and the ability to properly address each situation or crisis with any positive results.
I do hear Donald Trump is going to run. While I don't care for him as a person who I can really warm up to on a intelligence level, I do sense that America needs a successful businessman to run the country and put it back on pace as a boatful country of wonder and a wantful place to be. I do know he loves America and not just for its money. I thought about it and weighed all the options of good bad and what if and find that America is a business and who better to handle it than a successful businessman who has proved he can handle it.The latest line of Presidents have put us and allowed us to fail as a whole.Much non action and unfruitful decisions have led us down a garden path of destruction and failure.
The system isnt working and any employer would fire bad management, which is what it really is..bad management and an in ability to properly care for its citizens. We put our hours in and break our backs only to have the govt mess up hen put it on our backs again to baol them out. Bail out is such a great word when your boat is sinking. Personally I believe anyones a fool to put this ignorance back in the top position as commander in chief. Good lord a chief commander who fails us time and time again. I know America needs review and fixing, but this guy is way off base and still doesnt serve America.
Talk is cheap and that all we get and when he does do something, the ramifications wil have us in debt and poor the rest of our and our and their childrens lives. The US citizens need to wise up and quit believing hollywood versions and get someone who can handle the business end of it all.